Hey there! My name is Noah Reynolds and I am a missionary on behalf of Mannahouse church in Portland, Oregon. I graduated from Portland Bible College in 2022 with a Bachelor's in Theology. From fall of 2023 to fall 2024, I participated in a Ministry Apprenticeship in Romania. Throughout that year, I felt the call to be in Romania long term so now I am committed to using my skills by being on the journey to be "God's Handiwork In Romania." The vision of my ministry and the title of this website is inspired by those who have been impacted by my rudamentary skills as a gardner and maintainer of church property.
Centrul Cristian Salem (Salem Christian Center), located in Oradea, Romania, has been connected with Mannhouse church for over thirty years. When the Lord called me to the mission field, the elders saw fit to send me to serve and live at the church to fill in a gap. This gap was to be filled by establishing a youth ministry and assisting in the church's administrative needs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
After being in Romania for a year, I felt the Lord calling me to serve in this capacity full-time. I am now currently on furlough in Portland, Oregon to fundraise support. I am looking forward to be back in Romania in January 2025!
I see a future in Romania long term by using my skills in the local church for the advancement of the Gospel. With all consideration, I believe this vision is the best way I can help Centrul Criștin Salem, the people of Romania, and the region. Through your prayers and financial support, by being God's handiwork, we can make an impact together.
“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you."
Genesis 12:1 ESV